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With more and more people now going to aggregator sites for home insurance, the number of people that don’t have correct cover for their home is on the rise!

For most people, their home will be the biggest purchase they ever make. Surely having the correct cover in place should be just as important as making sure they’ve chosen their perfect home?

More than 1 in 5 insurance claims were unsuccessful according to research by the Association of British Insurers(1), due to not fully understanding what’s covered in the policy.

With the increasing presence of aggregator brands in our daily lives, it’s no wonder that people are being drawn to them. The offers of ‘amazing products at reduced prices’ will undoubtedly attract people to their aggregator sites. The question is: are they getting the correct cover and do they even know what they’re paying for?

How does this happen?

  • Prices could distract from crucial product features
  • Unaware of standard policy excesses
  • Options or add-ons not clear or relevant
  • Some questions set to default answers, leading to incorrect information
  • Undervaluing their contents
  • Customers wrongly believing products are tailored
  • based on individual needs

How are you different?

You can offer advice! You have access to our market-leading general insurance proposition. This means that you have the tools to ensure that your clients’ needs are
met and that the correct cover is offered to them.

Our easy-to-use general insurance quote engine gives you access to a panel of market-leading, 5 star Defaqto rated products. What’s more you can:

  • Add on optional extras
  • Discuss excess levels
  • Provide instant cover when required

All of this enables you to tailor products, ensuring that your clients’ insurance is 100% right for them, 100% of the time!

Source: 1